Monday, November 1, 2010


  Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.  People celebrate in different ways, for example tricks, parties ,and children collect lollies from door to door. But what is Halloween? Where did it originate?

    TheOrigin of the name  Halloween  comes from '' All Hallows' Eve”. From  more than  2000 years ago, people in Europe used to celebrate at this time. It  was considered all over the years a magical time when the ghosts of the dead walked  the earth.

    Halloween is mostly celebrated in Europe and USA. Also Halloween is not well known in many countries, as in  my country Lebanon. We consider the first of April the day everyone makes lies, jokes,and plays  tricks.


1 comment:

  1. Well done Sara! You've shown you understand the meaning of Halloween nd most importantly... you wrote in your own words and not copied from the internet!
