Monday, March 28, 2011

Earth Hour

In 2011 Earth Hour was held at 8.30pm on March 26. It started in Australia 2007 and now more than 120 countries celebrate the event. All countries turn off all the lights and unessential electronics for one hour. Just imagine, how much energy can be saved in this hour!! Actually, I didn't know anything about Earth Hour until today but for sure next year I will share this time for our Earth.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Harmony Day

Harmony day began in 1999 and it's held on 21 March. Since Australia is a multicultural society, there are over 260 languages are spoken in Australia. Harmony Day is a chance for everyone to come together and join local activities to share the things we have in common as action,arts, fashion or food.
Harmony Day follows the theme Everyone Belongs, which means all Australians are a welcome part of the country, regardless of their background.